Cryptogram is intended to be one part fun and one part educational. A cryptogram is the standard encryption game where every letter in a quote is replaced by another (possible the same) letter. The goal is simple: discover the quote through your knowledge of spelling and English grammar and maybe a little trial and error. You will be presented with a keyboard showing which letters have been used. If you arent getting anywhere, there is a hint button that will automatically assign one letter correctly.Other aspects of the app explore different encryption methods used throughout history starting from Caesars Cipher, a simple alphabet shifting cipher, to Enigma, a military grade encryption device used in World War II and, more importantly, the device that was used to decode its messages was one of the predecessors of modern digital computers.The app uses a database of quotes from a wide variety of people around the world without any moderation for content. That said, the quotes are generally benign but I increased the content ratings on the app in case something offensive is in the list.